Without his own little mundele grandkids to walk with, Elder B was adopted as mundele Grandpa by these two little Congolese boys.

A Congolese family plus Dede in the village of Kinsiona, where we have a clean water spring project.

Some very cute kids in Kinsiona.

This is our newest and best latrine, with Felix, our interpreter. The school latrine was part of a 4-spring project done in Mont Ngafula-Kimwenza area outside of Kinshasa. (You pronounce that Mong-ah-foo-la). The sign says, "Project financed by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, realized (built) by GAKI", the organization who did the construction work.

Elder and Sister B with the village chief of Kinsiona. Where are his African robes? His spear? But note that in his hand he is holding a short fur-covered stick, which is the official token of his position in his village.

This is the other side of the new latrine with the ribbon that was later cut after the ceremony, when the latrine was officially 'handed over' from the Church to the school. All our Humanitarian projects are handed over to the communities for them to 'own' and take care of when the construction is completed.

Funny Elder B inside the boys' latrine waving to the camera.

Two more village chiefs and a vice-chief, waiting for the closing ceremony to begin.

A very sweet family who seemed to be too shy to look into the camera. Notice their clothing is made of the same fabric. The man is part of the organization, GAKI, who constructed the latrine and springs, and all the GAKI employees and family had matching clothing that day. Even the baby girl had a dress made of that fabric under her striped shirt.

We are on our way to one of the 4 springs where there will be another ribbon cutting ceremony and then the water will officially be turned on for the population to use.

Elder B assisting at the spring ribbon cutting - turning over portion of the closing ceremony.

One of the chiefs turning on the faucet officially for the first time. Clean water for the village!! It's moments like these that hit us with the realization of how important our work can be for people who do not have clean water. We love this mission!!
We will be spending the remainder of our time here getting things ready for the new couple, and then a very tearful goodbye to the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Judy and Bob....thanks for keeping us up to date on all of your activities. We look forward to your homecoming but know you will be dearly missed! Congratulations on a job well done :-) Love you!